Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

all about jang geun suk - jang keun suk - sukkie Bilingual Blog (Indonesian-English) about Korean Hottest Star, Jang Geun Suk, nae nampyoen....

Hi ^^ I AM Nae ...
I AM NOT Jang Geun Suk
really really truly sorry to dissapoint u...
so save your "i love u oppa" or "oppa saranghaeee...."
and say it to the real sukkie in person, ok ? ;)

i do not own copyright of any post in naesukkie.blogspot.com...
this blog is only my online scrapbook about jang geun suk AKA sukkie...
merely as my sacred place to adore sukkie and share it to all eels around the world
(especially indonesian eels)...secara w fans berat sukkie geto loh...
for as-it-happens updates about jang geun suk,
follow me on twitter.com/naesukkie

feel free to contribute articles, videos, photos,
plz send it to naesukkie@gmail.com, gomawo yoo...

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tp jngan lupa dicantumin sumbernya eaa....>>
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the credit & source, will ya? really really appreciate it ^^

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tipe Wanita Ideal Jang Geun Suk ada di .... Moon Geun Young? - The Qualities of Jang Geun Suk's ideal girl goes to...Moon Geun Young?

Jang Geun Suk adalah salah satu generasi baru bintang Hallyu, dikenal sebagai Hwang Tae Kyungdi Minami Shineyo (You Are Beautiful). Dia saat ini terlibat pembuatan drama baru 'Marry Me, Mary' atau juga dikenal dengan judul 'Mary Stayed Out All Night' berpasangan dengan aktris Moon Geun Young; seorang aktris yang punya banyak bakat.

Tentang akting mereka di drama, netizens mengatakan bahwa mereka memiliki chemistry yang besar diantaranya, dan hanya dengan melihat mereka, anda bisa mengatakan bahwa mereka adalah sepasang kekasih.

Mereka saling bertukar sms & saling menelpon, mereka juga memiliki nama panggilan satu sama lain, bisa dikatakan mereka memang punya hubungan yang sangat dekat.

Pada wawancara baru-baru ini, Jang Geun Suk berkata, "Geun Young selalu menghormati orang lain, membungkuk dan memberi salam kepada para anggota staf sebelum orang lain. Dia memiliki banyak energi dalam tubuh kecil miliknya. Dia cerdas, teman yang kuat, bersamanya membuat saya merasa lebih baik"

Tapi apakah Anda tahu bahwa semua kualitas tipe gadis ideal Jang Geun Suk ada di Moon Geun Young?
Yeah. benar. Semua kualitas itu dari dia.

Itulah mengapa ketika Jang Geun Suk tahu bahwa Moon Geun Young akan bergabung (di drama Mary Stayed Out All Night) dia benar-benar sangat bahagia. Moon Geun Young menerima peran (di drama Mary Stayed Out All Night), juga karena Jang Geun Suk

UPDATES (30/01/11)
from GeunGeun Couple fanspage fb

Tipe Wanita Ideal Jang Geun Suk
Seseorang yang terlihat cocok dengan gaun. Seseorang yang akan terlihat lebih cantik jika memakai gaun, dibandingkan jika ia memakai celana panjang.  Jang Geun Suk lebih senang melihat seseorang itu memakai rok dengan gaya renaissance (pouffy, ful) dan dengan motif bunga

Moon Geun Young @ interview on Basic House:
.....Pakaian jenis apa yang anda suka?
MGY: Um.. Saya suka gaun terusan. Gaun dengan motif bunga yang cantik atau warna yang terang. Saya juga suka memakai gaun terusan warna hitam atau abu2.
Indonesian Translation by http://naesukkie.blogspot.com

from msoan fb

Jang Geun Suk is one of the new generation of Hallyu stars today, popularly known as Hwang Tae Kyung in Minami Shineyo. He's currently new drama is 'Marry Me , Mary' popularly known as 'Mary Stayed Out all Night' with his female partner Moon Geun Young ; a multi talented actress.

On their team up on the drama, netizens said that they had a great chemistry , and just looking to them you can say that they are real couple,

They texting & calling to each other , and have a call name to each other, we can say that theyre really close.
On a recently interview , Jang Geun Suk said ,“Geun Young is always respectful, bowing and greeting the staff members before anyone else. She has a lot of energy in that small body of hers. She’s such a bright, strong friend that being with her makes me feel better."

But do you know that the qualities of Jang Geun Suk's ideal girl is all  at Moon Geun Young?
Yeah. Its true. All of those qualities is all from her.

Thats why when Jang Geun Suk knew that Moon Geun Young will be casted, he really cant explain his happiness.

Moon Geun Young accept the role, because of Jang Geun Suk also.

UPDATES (30/01/11)

from GeunGeun Couple fanspage fb

Jang Keun Suk's Ideal Girl:
Someone really suitable for dresses. Someone who looks better in dresses than pants.
Instead of short skirts he prefers renaissance style (pouffy, full) skirt with floral/flowers.

Moon Geun Young @ interview on Basic House:
...What kind of clothes you will wear?
MGY: Um.. I like one-piece Dress. Those dress with pretty floral on it or bright color. I like to wear solid Blcak or solid Grey one-piece comfort dress

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